June 2024

Upcoming CME Events

IU Health CME Events

To attend virtual events or add to your calendar visit https://live.iuhcpe.org/


Fri, Jun. 21st, 8:00am-12:00pm - Spine Symposium (In-person/Virtual)

Location: Neuroscience Center Conference Room


Fri, Jun. 21st, 11:30am-1:00pm - Bloomington Noon Conference - Best Practices in Treating Pediatric Autism Patients (In-person/Virtual)

Tiffany Neal, PhD
Location: Health Sciences Building - C1020Z


Mon, Jun. 24th, 12:00pm-1:00pm - Update on Perinatal Loss and the IN Abortion Rules

Caroline E. Rouse, MD


Wed, Jun. 26th, 11:30am-1:00pm - Bloomington Noon Conference - Nurse Family Partnership: An Evidence-Based Home Visiting Program (In-person/Virtual)

Christine Sherwood, RN, BSN

Location: Health Sciences Building - C1020Z


Wed, Jun. 26th, 1:00pm-2:00pm - An Intimate Conversation on Women in Leadership (In-person/Virtual)

Amelia S. Knopf, PhD, MPH, RN, FAAN
Sarah H. Jones, PA-C
Alexia M. Torke, MD

Location: Fairbanks Conference Center


Thurs, Jun. 27th, 12:00pm-1:00pm - LGBTQ Primary Care Series Part I


Wed, July 10th, 10:00am-12:00pm – Riley Error Prevention

Bri Qualizza, MSN, RN, NPD-BC
Amy Birchfield, MSN, RN, NE-BC, CPPS


Fri, July 12th, 11:30am-1:00pm - Bloomington Noon Conference - Women's/Menstrual Health

Mukul Singal, MD, FACP


Wed, July 17th, 12:00pm-1:00pm - Perinatal Mental Health: An Overview

Birdie Gunyon Meyer, RN, MA, PMH-C


Fri, July 19th, 11:30-1:00pm - A Hematologist's Approach to Pediatric Stroke

Kyle Davis, MD
Eman Abdelghani, MD


Mon, July 22nd, 12:00pm-1:00pm - Stroke Imaging

Richard (Rick) Scheer, MD
Atul Agarwal


Wed, July 31st, Bloomington Noon Conference - Sickle Cell Disease and Thalassemia

Brandon Hardesty, MD


Fri, Aug. 2nd, 12:00pm-1:00pm - Fetal Care Friday Series: Fetal Arrythmias

David C. Streitman, MD
Anne Farrell, MD
Tim M. Cordes, MD


Tues, Aug. 6th, 12:00pm-1:00pm - Indiana Donor Network

Christy Cannon


To view previously recorded presentations from the On Demand Videos and earn CME's Click here

To view the list of your completed CME's Click here

Visit The Center for Physician Education - Main Page (iuhcpe.org)

Clinical Council Updates

Emergency Medicine

Quality Care Variation


ED Sepsis Metrics: Council was commended for their exemplary work in meeting sepsis goals. Q1 2024 performance for order set usage and administration of antibiotics within 3 hours continues to exceed goal:

  • System Data (Date range: 01/01/2024- 03/34/2024 ) *Only includes severe sepsis/septic shock patients.
  • % 3hr Abx from Arrival (Goal: >80%)
  • 2024 YTD: 82.5%
  • % Order Set Usage (Goal: >80%)
  • 2024 YTD: 90.3%


Maternal hypertension: The ED Nursing Operations Committee provided an overview of work to improve care of pregnant and postpartum patients within the ED, with a focus on addressing maternal hypertension. Deliverables they plan to achieve:

  • Quick triage practice alert
  • Triage visual cue for maternal VS
  • Current order sets for OB hypertensive management
  • Reference algorithms to assist nursing with the order set, and an ED to OB handoff form.


Update to Post-sedation Transportation procedures: The Anesthesia and Emergency Medicine Clinical Councils approved recommended language updates, with slight changes, to the system wide ICM Transportation Policy and local Procedural Sedation and Analgesia policies. These updates will allow for patient in the Emergency Department to utilize rideshare services following sedation in the absence of family/friend so long as the following parameters are met: “patient must be alert, responsive, physiologically stable, no longer amnestic, and no longer at risk of sedation-related side effects. They must be capable of self-care and demonstrate a stable gait, and these capabilities must be assessed by a provider with sedation privileges”.

EM Utilization Metrics: Council reviewed progress to improve CT utilization in the EDs. Additionally, an overview of a new ED Admissions Dashboard that is in development was provided.

CT utilization: Providers in the top quartile of usage will receive a pushed report the week of 5/13. Additionally, Medical Directors will receive a list of providers who routinely receive notification.

  • System Goal ≤ 21.9 % (discharged patients, age 18-59)
  • Initial state (Q1-2 2022): 24%
  • Current State (Q1 2024): 23.1%


ED Admissions Dashboard: like CT Utilization, the initiative is to identify outlier utilization that may negatively impact EM length of stay and inappropriate admission status (obs. vs. inpatient). Work is still underway to incorporate admission type (obs/med surg/critical care) and inpatient LOS. Council will be made aware when the dashboard is published.

Primary Care Clinicians May Have a New Tool to Help Identify Autism in Young Children

Incorporating eye-tracking biomarkers into pediatric autism assessments may make identifying the condition easier, according to new findings published in JAMA Network Open.

Click here to read more.

Just 18% of People Who Need Lung Cancer Screening Get It

Only a fraction of Americans are getting recommended lung cancer screenings, new research shows.

While rates overall are up slightly, fewer than 1 in 5 people who are eligible for screening are up-to-date with it, according to the American Cancer Society-led study. 

Click here to read more.

July is National UV Safety Month

Screenings are important.

Early detection is key.?

July is National UV Safety Month, a time to raise awareness about the harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) rays and how to protect ourselves from them. One of the most significant risks associated with UV exposure is melanoma, a potentially deadly form of skin cancer. Understanding the importance of sun safety and taking preventive measures can greatly reduce your risk of developing melanoma.? 

Click here to read more.

New Tool Could Spot Liver Cancer Early, Upping Survival

A new AI-driven blood test could improve detection of liver cancer, which is one of the most fatal cancers because early diagnosis is difficult.

The test looks for “fusion genes” -- two different genes that have become bound together, producing proteins that can lead to cancer.

Click here to read more.

Contact Us


    The Office of Clinical Education

  • Phone: (317) 962-5048

  • Email: OCE@iuhealth.org