TeamSTEPPS 2.0
Team Performance Observation Tool

Rating Scale

Please comment if 1 or 2.

1 = Very Poor

2 = Poor

3 = Acceptable

4 = Good

5 = Excellent

1. Team Structure Rating
a. Assembles a team
b. Assigns or identifies team members' roles and responsibilities
c. Holds team members accountable
d. Includes patients and families as part of the team
2. Communication Rating
a. Provides brief, clear, specific, and timely information to team members
b. Seeks information from all available sources
c. Uses check-backs to verify information that is communicated
d. Uses SBAR, call-outs, and handoff techniques to communicate effectively with team members
3. Leadership Rating
a. Identifies team goals and vision
b. Uses resources efficiently to maximize team performance
c. Balances workload within the team
d. Delegates tasks or assignments, as appropriate
e. Conducts briefs, huddles, and debriefs
f. Role models teamwork behaviors
4. Situation Monitoring Rating
a. Monitors the status of the patient
b. Monitors fellow team members to ensure safety and prevent errors
c. Monitors the environment for safety and availability of resources (e.g., equipment)
d. Monitors progress toward the goal and identifies changes that could alter the plan of care
e. Fosters communication to ensure that team members have a shared mental model
5. Mutual Support Rating
a. Provides task-related support and assistance
b. Provides timely and constructive feedback to team members
c. Effectively advocates for patient safety using the Assertive Statement, Two-Challenge Rule, or CUS
d. Uses the Two-Challenge Rule or DESC Script to resolve conflict

Total: 0

Average: 0

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